We began with 10 polished and articulate 3-minute graduate student research presentations. And in the end, when the dust settled, applause and accolades were shared by all. If you missed it – check out the videos!
Pictured: Back L to R: Ana Elia Ramon Hidalgo, Alexander D. Wright, Zoe Wai-Man Lam, Soroush Shakibakho, Pardis Lakzadeh, Kyly Whitfield.
Front L to R: Jeanette Leeuwner, Miranda Meents, Thea Franke, Samantha Grist
Here are links to videos of each of UBC’s 2015 3MT Finalist videos and a link to the full 2015 finalist playlist.
Please share the links through your own channels or embed the videos in your own webpages.
1st Place & People’s Choice Award: Zoe Wai-Man Lam, PhD in Linguistics, Perception of Lexical Tones by Heritage Speakers of Cantonese (Professor Douglas Pulleyblank & Dr. Kathleen Currie Hall)
2nd Place: Kyly Whitfield, PhD in Human Nutrition, Fortified fish sauce: a simple solution to thiamin deficiency in rural Cambodia (Dr. Tim Green)
3rd Place: Samantha Grist, PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Mimicking the body for drug testing (Drs. Karen Cheung & Lukas Chrostowski)
The Rest of the Best:
Soroush Shakibakho, MSc in Experimental Medicine, STAT3, SHIP, … and the SEDINs (Dr. Alice Mui)
Pardis Lakzadeh, MSc in Population and Public Health, Economic assessment of homestead food production in rural Cambodia (Drs. Larry Lynd & Aslam Anis)
Ana Elia Ramón Hidalgo, PhD in Forestry, Forest communities, stay connected! Linking Empowerment Social Capital and Gender in Community Ecotourism (Dr. Robert Kozak)
Miranda Meents, PhD in Botany, Sorting out the Cell’s Sorting Centre (Dr. Lacey Samuels)
Alexander D. Wright, MD/PhD, Health and Exercise Science, Head hits and brain blood flow – what’s happening after a concussion? (Dr. Paul van Donkelaar)
Jeanette Leeuwner, PhD in Chemical Engineering, Engineering fuel cells for the future (Prof. E. Gyenge & Prof. D. Wilkinson)
Thea Franke, PhD in Interdisciplinary Studies, Can The Rest Of Our Lives Be… The Best Of Our Lives? (Dr. Joanie Sims-Gould)
This year more than 100 graduate students have taken on the challenge to participate in UBC’s fifth annual Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition, honed their public speaking skills, and competed in faculty & department organized heats over 5 weeks of competition.
This opportunity to reach a global audience is bigger than ever. The top 3 presenters from today will present with SFU’s top 3 on Friday, March 27th in an SFU/UBC Winners’ Showcase. UBC’s first place finisher will advance to a regional competition on April 30th at Thompson Rivers University. Top finishers from that competition will go on to contend for national honours in a virtual completion sponsored by the Canadian Association for Graduate Studies (CAGS)
We’d like to extend a special thank-you to all the department and Faculty level heat organizers and a big shout- out to our semi-finals host, Dr. Rachel Fernandez, Associate Dean, PDFO and Student Professional Development and final’s host Kathryn Gretsinger, Instructor, UBC Graduate School of Journalism.
Our finals judging panel is also most deserving of a big thank-you – their task was surely the most difficult of all.
Judging Panel: Finals
Miriam GrantVice Provost & Dean, College of Graduate & Postdoctoral StudiesUniversity of British Columbia, Okanagan Campus
Erik Hadley
Senior Scientist, StemCell Technologies
Jamie Hall
Manager, Communications, Office of the Vice President Research & International
Bryan K. Weber
Director of Strategy and Business Development and Director of Outreach and Education, NASA Sunjammer Solar Sail Mission, Space Services, Inc.