Nearly 30 students compete in Semi-Final events

Nearly 30 graduate students are competing in the UBC 3MT (Three Minute Thesis) Semi-Finals – come watch, learn more about their research and support them!

This year’s Semi-Final and Final events are happening next week at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre (Dodson Room, third floor). Come support participants and cheer them on, whether virtually or in person. The top five presenters from each Semi-Final will advance to the Final event on Friday.

The winner of the Final event on Friday will go on to represent UBC at the Western Regional event in May. For more information visit the 3MT website.


Tuesday, March 12

Semi-Final 1: 10 am – 12 pm 

Semi-Final 2: 2 – 4 pm

Audience registration

Semi-Final 1 presenters

Host: Sandrine Jacquot, Master of Journalism Student, Faculty of Arts

  • Mia Frier, PhD in Medical Genetics, Interpreting the cellular ballet in yeast to help understand how molecular missteps lead to neurodegeneration, supervised by Dr. Elizabeth Conibear
  • Aysha Allard Brown, PhD in Neuroscience, Spinal Cord Injury: Balancing Early Treatment Benefits and Risks, supervised by Dr. Brian Kwon
  • Vismaya Pillai, MSc Astronomy, Galaxy Evolution in the Early Universe, supervised by Dr. Scott Chapman
  • Mohammed Elnawawy, PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Outsmarting the Hackers – Risk-Aware Defense for Safety-Critical Systems, supervised by Dr. Karthik Pattabiraman
  • Ruth Arnold, MSc in Oceans and Fisheries, Small but mighty: baseline population assessments for three seahorse species in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico, supervised by Dr. Amanda Vincent
  • Brianne Boufford, MSc in Forestry, Rainfall and Resiliency: Modelling Hydrological Recovery in Disturbed Forests, supervised by Dr. Nicholas Coops
  • Zackary Marshall, MSc in Zoology, Characterizing a candidate taste receptor for lactic acid in insects, supervised by Dr. Michael Gordon
  • Katie Moloney, PhD in Civil Engineering, Assessing the chemical makeup and health risk of tirewear particulate pollution inhalation, supervised by Dr. Rachel Scholes
  • Sylvie Yang, MSc in Forestry, Invisible Livelihoods: The Women of Guyana’s Artisanal Fisheries, supervised by Dr. Janette Bulkan
  • Mona Behrouzian, MASc in Biomedical Engineering, How Movement Analysis Can Transform Injury Risk Assessments in Athletes, supervised by Dr. Calvin Kuo
  • Kevin Osef, PhD in Materials Engineering, Enhancing Cellulose Nanofibril Compatibility with Epoxy Resins through a Water-Based Surface Hydrophobization Strategy
  • Naomi Jung, MSc in Experimental Medicine, We Don’t Talk Anymore: Disruptions to the Lacunocanalicular Network in Prostate Cancer Bone Metastasis, supervised by Dr. Michael Cox
  • Kodee Bao, MSc in Cell & Developmental Biology, The Impact of Maternal Stress on Fetal Brain Development During Pregnancy, supervised by Dr. Jessica Rosin
  • Akash Madhav Gondaliya, PhD in Chemical and Biological Engineering, Magwood: Turning Wood into a Magnetic Shield for Modern Tech, supervised by Dr. E. Johan Foster

Semi-Final 2 presenters

  • Hollis Kinnard, MSc in Forestry, Using Sensor Fish to Examine Fish Friendliness of Flood Pumps, supervised by Dr. Scott Hinch
  • Hannah Anderson, MSc in Plant Science, Not just the birds and the bees: Unsung nocturnal pollinators of berry agroecosystems, supervised by Dr. Juli Carrillo
  • Mui Tanprasert, PhD in Computer Science, Family Dittos: Reimagining Long-distance Family Communication with AI, supervised by Dr. Joanna McGrenere
  • Michaela Honing, MSc in Zoology, Why the long pause: Understanding the neural control of episodic breathing, supervised by supervised by Drs. William Milsom and Colin Brauner
  • Sasha Pollet, PhD in Soil Science, What if we made our agricultural crops less lazy? A root exudates story, supervised by Dr. JT Cornelis
  • Kimberly Tsz Ching Wong, PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Evolving Bacteria to Eat Pesticides—A Natural Solution for Cleaner Food, supervised by Dr. Nobuhiko Tokuriki
  • Tarek Ghoul, PhD in Civil Engineering, Real-time Crash Risk and Its Applications, supervised by Dr. Tarek Sayed
  • Kimiya Rahmani Mokarrari, PhD in Forestry, Optimizing the Slash Supply Chain for Bioproduct Production, supervised by Dr. Taraneh Sowlati
  • Sam Khalilitousi, MASc in Biomedical Engineering, A computer model for simulation gene regulation, supervised by Dr. Nozomu Yachie
  • Vienna Cheng, MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences, A ‘Joint’ Effort: Balancing Arthritis Medications in Pregnancy, supervised by Dr. Mary De Vera
  • Ahmed Abdalla, PhD in Chemical and Biological Engineering, Navigating a Cleaner Future: AI for Maritime Sustainability, supervised by Dr. Bhushan Gopaluni
  • Jonas Welsch, PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Listening to the Future – Sensor Technology for Green Aviation, supervised by Drs. Edmond Cretu & Robert Rohling
  • Jennifer Cooper, PhD in Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Developing Blood Tests for Alzheimer’s Disease, supervised by Dr. Cheryl Wellington
  • Hannah-Ruth Engelbrecht, PhD in Genome Science and Technology, Using Biological Age to Assess Healthy Aging Differences in the Costa Rican Blue Zone, supervised by Dr. Michael Kobor

Stay tuned for news on who progresses to the final on Friday, March 14!